Sunday, January 6, 2013

You Are Fat and Don't Want to Be Fat Anymore

The Quick Fix!  The Magic Pill!  The Easy Way!

The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar market.  It is never ending.  Yet, the population is getting fatter.  I will not call them obese, I will call them FAT!  FAT and unhealthy.

It's not your hormones, your job, your family, your stress, your genes, your lack of time or what ever other lame excuse you want to give yourself.  That is over, right now.

Hit the RESET button for the next 30 minutes.  From this moment for the rest of your life, before you put anything into your mouth or drink any liquid ask your self this question.

Is this healthy or unhealthy for me?  This is black or white, no gray areas.  

Here is a short self test to see if you can grasp this simple concept:  You want something to drink, you have two choices, plain water (H2O) zero calories or a Diet Soda (a whole lot of chemicals) but zero calories.  Which is healthy and which is unhealthy?  I'll give you a nano-second to think about that, done.

Look at this picture:

What matters most scale weight or body composition?  If the man on the left weighed exactly the same as the man on the right which body composition would you chose?  So the amount you weigh really doesn't matter all that much, does it? Further more, in your non medical opinion just based upon appearance alone which would man would you say is healthier?  

There is a solution, but it will involve some changes.  I will use the man on my left as a case study.

The goal:  Lose fat, gain muscle.  

The challenge:  no special crazy fad diets, diet pills, powders or treatments.  Just food that is available from the local grocery store and some body weight exercise movements.

Nutritional Transformation Period: 30 day quick start on nutrition using the Whole30 program, this is a starting point.  It will reset your entire nutrition outlook, and it will change the way you look at food for the rest of your life.  Is it easy, no.  Is it worth the journey, yes.  Read about the entire Whole30 program and invest in the book or the one month program here. Investment $20.00

Physical Transformation Period: 30 day body weight program using Convict Conditioning.  This is a great place to start, and it progresses you through beginner to complete advanced using body weight exercises only.  Everything is mapped out for you in steps.  It works.  You don't have to join a gym, buy any special equipment and the book is worth it's weight (loss) in gold.  The book is your guide and is worth the investment.  Read about the program and buy the book here:

I am going to promise you results based upon your adherence to the guidelines in the Whole30 Nutritional program and the Convict Conditioning program for 30 days.

The biggest question is are you willing to commit?  The eating part is easy, everything is planned out for you all you need to do is follow the roadmap.  The physical part is easy also, 30 minutes a day to start, build up to 45 minutes a day. Investment $40.00

If you don't want to be FAT anymore then invest the time and invest $60.00 in yourself.

If you have any questions drop a comment below or email me at

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