Saturday, January 5, 2013

You Are Not Sleeping Well At Night

I am convinced that swinging a kettlebell in high volume is a cure for not sleeping well at night. Over the past four days I did 1730 one arm kettlebell swings with a 20kg bell, last night I was the fortunate soul that was able to sleep solid from 10:00pm until 4:30am.  A deep uninterrupted restful sleep, I fell a sleep and then I awoke, rested.  What happened?  When I awoke I felt refreshed and was ready to get up and start the day, and this is a Saturday.

In life there are very few things that are complete bliss and joy, and most of them are free.  It is hard to rank them because they just depend on the situation, but a good restful night of sleep gets very high rankings on my list.

A good solid night of sleep.  There is no price tag on getting a great nights sleep.  If you have ever had the experience of a restful night of sleep you will agree completely.

The way I earn my US fiat currency to support my current lifestyle is very sedentary. If I didn't have to drive a car and walk to restaurants with clients I could pretty much do everything I need to do in the supine position.  But being a domesticated human being I sit all day.  And sitting is bad for you.  My earning activities revolve around talking on the phone (a lost art) occasionally, or working an electronic communication or data input device (cell phone or computer) most of the time.  My performance in responding to requests, hitting deadlines and occasionally rectifying business issues do not depend upon my physical attributes or capabilities.  So when I retire for the day I am more mentally tired than physically tired.  Although I am mentally tired it is very difficult to shut off your mind and this would often times lead me to restless nights of sleep.

Enter the Kettlebell! (again), over the past four days I have been doing kettlebell swings through out the day to hit the volume I need to do on a daily basis to achieve the 10,000 swing challenge for the month of January.   I may have hit the magic point based upon my restful night of sleep.  Taking on high volume swings is not for the faint of heart, the task seems overwhelming for most normal people.

I love the kettlebell swing and all the great benefits that come from this simple but very effective total body movement.  And I just experienced another benefit - A Restful Night of Sleep!

So if you are finding the restful night of sleep elusive, one possible solution is to learn the RKC Hardstyle Kettlebell Swing and start swinging!  Put in some high volume work each day and your body and your mind will thank you.

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